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Rise UP - 6 month package  

This program is a tremendous opportunity to expand your ability to express your truth, gain confidence and share who you are with more joy and faith than ever before. In addition to developing a deeper understanding of advanced Conscious Connected Breathwork Therapy techniques.

• 18 private Breath sessions (1.5 hour sessions)
 In-person (NYC only), Skype, Google hangout or telephone

• 6 phone lifestyle creation coaching sessions (1 hour each ~1 a month)

• Bi-weekly accountability check-in worksheet

• Unlimited email/text support between sessions

• 2 Personalized meditation tapes

• Celebration & Next Steps Call (1 hour each)


Shift your Sh*t - 3 month package

This package is for the individual who knows the power of self-development but wants a more accelerated path to clarity, focus, health & transformation.  Use this package to create powerful and permanent personal transformation in a relatively short period of time. Beginning the process of not only mastering one's breath, becoming intimiatly aware of how the Breath is directly connected to mastering one's life or life-force. 

• 9 private Breath sessions (1.5 hour sessions)
 In-person (NYC only), Skype, Google hangout or telephone

• Limited email/text support between sessions

• 2 phone lifestyle creation coaching sessions (30 minutes each)

• Celebration & Next Steps Call (1 hour each)


Shake Awake - 1 month package

This is a great starter package to begin to become familiar with the power of Conscious Connected Breathwork Therapy.  You learn and experience how to consciously connect your Breath and begin to Breathe energy.

• 3 private Breath sessions (1.5 hour sessions)
 In-person (NYC only), Skype, Google hangout or telephone

• Celebration & Next Steps Call (1 hour each) *one time only purchase package

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